Get out of YOUR inbox and get back to YOUR business

Step out of the


and into the

CEO ROLE you were created for

Full service email marketing

Let go of tasks that are stealing your time and energy and get back to the things that will truly move the needle in your business!


Get high-converting emails with less effort 

using our full-service email marketing management

What if you could free up your time to focus on revenue-generating activities while making an investment that could help improve your sales?

Reach your next-level BUsINESS goals

With this full-service email marketing solution, you'll get:


Customized strategy to help you crush your quarterly goals.


Emails that use all the principles of high-converting copy to help you improve open rates and conversions–all written by a certified direct-response copywriter.


Consistent story-driven and personality-filled emails that sound so much like you, your clients will wonder how you do it all!


Email marketing that runs so smoothly, you won’t even have to open your email platform if you don’t want to!


Data-informed decisions specifically based on YOUR metrics 


Confidence knowing that you’ve made an investment that can help you make more sales and connect with your ideal clients


An service that can provide an ROI in the form of improved sales and engagement

The gal behind the keyboard…

Hi, I'm Megan!

Word nerd and certified direct response copywriter who’s helped female business owners make thousands in their online businesses.


As a business owner myself, I understand how it feels to be stretched thin and desperate for a break...while simultaneously being afraid to let go.


Outsourcing can be scary.


We want to be confident that we are making the right investments-–no one wants to waste money.


Especially if you are an Enneagram 5 like me! 🫣


The cool thing about conversion copy is it is a tool that you invest in that actually helps you make more revenue for your business while also giving you the gift of time.


And that’s what we really want, right?





  • Strategic quarterly planning customized to fit your business goals
  • 6 monthly emails (which can be used for newsletters or a combo of newsletters, opt-ins, or sales sequences)
  • Story-driven and personality-filled emails that help you stand out in a sea of AI content and authentically connect with your audience
  • Newsletter revamp/upgrade (if needed or desired)
  • Emails formatted and scheduled inside Flodesk
  • List clean-up as needed to improve performance
  • Workflows (automations) set up as needed
  • Email metrics tracked–receive a monthly metrics review report with recommendations on changes to improve conversions






BONUS 1: FREE Audit of Two Pre-Existing Sequences

You'll get suggestions on how to optimize those sequences for better conversions.


BONUS 2: FREE List Migration!

If you've been wanting to make the switch, this is a low-stress way to set yourself up for success!


Why do you require a 6-month commitment?

A 6-month commitment is required to provide enough time to implement lasting changes and improvements in your email marketing

What if I don't currently use Flodesk?

No worries! I can help with that! If you’ve been wanting to make the switch, now’s the time. I’ll take care of all the stressful (and sometimes scary!) tasks that come with migrating to a new platform and make sure you are set up for success.

What makes your services different than other email marketing services?This service is like a VA + a copywriter had a baby! 😊

There are many VAs who will write emails for you, but most don’t understand the difference between content and copy.

I am not just a writer with a background in journalism and 13 years of writing instruction experience–I’m a direct response copywriter who completed a copywriting certification course and uses the psychological principles of copywriting to help move your readers to take action.

With this full-service solution, you’ll get all the benefits of having the task completion of a VA (who happens to be a FloDesk specialist) AND a copywriter who specializes in email marketing that can improve your sales! 😉

Can you really sound like me? I don’t want anyone to know I’m not writing my emails…

Yes! A trained copywriter knows exactly what to do to write in her client’s tone. I explain this more HERE.


How do you access my account?

You'll need to share passwords to your Flodesk account.  But don't worry!  These are stored securely and never shared with anyone outside of Megan Wisdom Copywriting! You can also confidentally share passwords using LastPass.


What are my responsibilities? Is this truly 100% “hands-off” email marketing?

 have designed this to be as hands-off as possible so you can focus your efforts elsewhere in your business. More of your time is required as we are getting started.

You’ll need to complete a brand questionnaire then be prepared to meet on Google Meet for a video call to map out your 6-month strategy and discuss any questions/concerns you may have about your current email marketing situation.

After that, the only obligations you have are to answer “story starter” prompts that I will use to create customized emails that reflect your voice and personality so you can stand out in the crowded marketplace. I gather these by using Voxer (a free walkie-talkie app) so you can answer at your convenience–no video calls needed.

You’ll also need to review the short end-of-month metric report. Data will be stored in a shared document for long-term metrics tracking and reports will be a short video explanation delivered to your inbox!

But that’s it!


1. Pay a $200 nonrefundable fee to book your strategy call. If you choose to move forward after the call, this amount will be applied to your first month invoice. If you choose not to use my services, the fee will cover your strategy call.

2. Book a strategy/onboarding call.

3. Complete a brand questionnaire.

4. Sign a 6 month contract.

5. I'll take if from there! All you need to do is answer a few story starter questions and approve final drafts!


You started your business to make impact and income...NOT to manage an inbox.