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1:1 Copy Call

Need help mapping out your nurture content for 2024? Confused about what to write for a launch? Need someone to look over your sales page and make recommendations? In this 1 hour call, you can ask any questions related to copywriting for your business!

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1:1 Copy Call

Need help mapping out your nurture content for 2024? Confused about what to write for a launch? Need someone to look over your sales page and make recommendations? In this 1 hour call, you can ask any questions related to copywriting for your business!

“Thank you, Megan. I was finally able to look everything over, and I love the changes you made. And I learned so much about writing emails in the process. Thank you so much!”
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Copy Audit
Submit your nurture emails OR a launch sales sequence for review from a certified conversion copywriter. You'll get personalized feedback to help you optimize your copy for better open rates and more sales.
1:1 Copy Call

Need help mapping out your nurture content for 2024? Confused about what to write for a launch? Need someone to look over your sales page and make recommendations? In this 1 hour call, you can ask any questions related to copywriting for your business!

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You saved $200
1:1 Copy Call

Need help mapping out your nurture content for 2024? Confused about what to write for a launch? Need someone to look over your sales page and make recommendations? In this 1 hour call, you can ask any questions related to copywriting for your business!